The Orphan of Asia

Dayou Luo, the music icon of the Chinese-speaking world

Growing up in Taiwan, Dayou Luo was my idol. Like me, he was told to take piano lessons at a very young age. He also studied hard and went to good schools. However, soon after he became a doctor, he gave up his medical career, picked up the guitar and started writing songs.

In 1982, he released his debut album which shook Taiwan with his political messages, poetic lyrics and beautiful melodies. In 1983, he released his second album including the song ‘The Orphan of Asia,’ which was written after American’s termination of its official relations with Taiwan. The song was later sung in Tian An Men Square by thousands of students during the protest in 1989. This song is still banned in China.

Many of his songs were so political that he later had to move to Hong Kong. In 2004, He relinquished his US citizenship to protest the American government’s resolution regarding the deployment of Taiwanese marines to Iraq.

I admire his talent and courage but most of all, his determination to use his music to make this world a better place. He has been my hero for so long because I guess deep down I have always wanted to be a rebel just like him. Today I booked a ticket to his concert in Taipei later this month! OMG I can finally see my hero!! Another tick on my bucket list!!!

‘The orphan of Asia

The orphan of Asia is crying in the wind.
On her yellow face there is a red smudge. (Red China)
In her black eyes there is white terror. (Jiang Kaishek government’s political persecution of native Taiwanese)
The western wind is singing sad songs in the East.
The orphan of Asia is crying in the wind.
No one wants to play fair with you.
Everyone wants your favourite toys.
Dear child, why are you crying?
How many people are asking that unsolved question?
How many people are sighing helplessly in the late night?
How many people’s tears are wiped away in silence?
Dear mother, please tell me why.’

This song often brings tears to my eyes because Taiwan has been losing international support as an independent country over the years. China demands to be recognised as the only China so when a country wants to do business in China, they have to first cut their ties with Taiwan. As a result, Taiwan has now become so isolated that it’s not only an orphan but also nearly friendless, a child being bullied in the playground. 


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