Small Happiness

I saw a bird landing on the fence so I thought I would go and say hello. Of course it flew away before I got there. Once out in the garden, I suddenly realised how sunny it was. The rain had stopped! I breathed in the fresh air and decided to have a cup of tea on the patio. 

Listening to birds chirping away, I looked at my little garden. The hedges I planted a few weeks ago seemed to like their new home. One of the small lemon trees had some lemons. The jade trees were blossoming and bees were busy loving their delicate white flowers.

With a cup of tea in my hands, I marvelled at how easy it was to be happy. In fact, happiness is always within us if we care to look. Sitting in the sun, I thought about what I have got - my friends, my family and my health. Deep gratitude filled my heart and I was content. 

Many people are too busy to appreciate the little things in their daily life. Japanese are big on the ‘small happiness’ - 小さな幸せ (chisana shiawase). Having a cup of tea is an ordinary enough thing to do but what a delight it could be when one also remembers to appreciate the small happiness a simple cup of tea brings. 

True happiness lies within us.


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